The Northern Territory Government commissioned a report on developing its vision of Alice Springs and Central Australia as a “ world-leading solar energy centre by 2020”. This Report identifies issues and opportunities associated with the Vision, so as to inform the NT Government, in preparation for public consultation.

This report focuses on solar electricity, although solar heating for water and other end uses, such as cooling, will also play an important role in increasing solar penetration levels. Similarly, energy efficiency and demand management, along with energy storage and smart control systems, will be crucial. Business as usual, medium and stretch scenarios for solar energy to 2020 have been analysed. Funded by the Northern Territory Government.

The articulation and implementation of this vision is an opportunity to achieve a number of objectives:

  • Inform a 10 year action plan.
  • Identify and trial innovative financing options for the deployment of solar systems.
  • Contribute toward the NT’s achievement of the Australian Government’s 20% renewable electricity target.
  • Implement the recommendations from the NT Green Energy Taskforce reports.
  • Develop innovation, knowledge and business opportunities beyond the focus of hardware and project development.
  • Align with and build on existing research and innovation projects.
  • Position Alice Springs and Central Australia favourably for Australian Government funding under the Clean Energy Future package.