Solar Hot Water for 2030
Task 69 investigates which technologies are the most appropriate now and into 2030 for solar-derived hot water, considering the full spectrum of global economic development. The Task will predominately focus on the development path and best practices for two technologies which, we believe, are likely to play the biggest role in the solar hot water market in 2030: solar thermal thermosyphon systems and solar photovoltaic (PV) self-consumption hot water heating systems.
Australian Lead
Robert Taylor
Prof. Robert A Taylor’s main research interest is in the development of ‘next generation’ solar and thermal energy systems. Drawing on the fields of heat transfer and nanotechnology, he isresearching new/novel components, fluids, materials, and systems to increase the utilisation of solar energy in society. As such, his main goal is to provide a more efficient and more economic coupling between solar energy and useful thermal and/or electrical energy.
Australian Contributors
Dean Clift
Dean Clift has over 10 years industry experience in solar water heating, with the past 5 years focusing on technical developments in PV water heating. Dean represents the Australian Clean Energy Council on the Australian and New Zealand solar heating standards committee CS028 and is a sub-task C leader for IEA SHC Task 69.Dean is undertaking a PhD at RMIT under the lead supervision of Prof. Gary Rosengarten, optimizing interdependent water heater designs and controls in renewable rich electrical networks to assist the voltage and frequency stability of electrical distribution networks.