International Solar Technologies for Buildings Seminar 

An International Energy Agency (IEA) Seminar in collaboration with the Australian PV Association with support from the Federal Department of Innovation, Industry,Science & Research and Sustainability Victoria.

Venue:          Urban Workshop Conference Centre, Rear of 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

Date:              Thursday 29th September 2011

Seminar Program

Presentations (.pdf): 

Sustainability Victoria and IEA overview – Ken Guthrie, Sustainability Victoria

PV energy as an integral part of the building sector – Dr. Muriel Watt, APVA Chair

IEA SHC Task 41 Solar energy and architecture overview – Maria Wall, Lund University

Integrated design & zero energy buildings – Dr.Mark Luther, Deakin University

Solar technologies & buildings value proposition – Dr Mark Snow, University of NSW

International experiences: PV & buildings – Dr Karin Kappel, Solar City Copenhagen

Solar thermal technologies & buildings – Dr Maria-Cristina Munari Probst, EPFL-LESO [TBA]