The Curtailment and Network Voltage Analysis Scoping Study (CANVAS) is a RACE for 2030 scoping study conducted by the Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets at UNSW, with industry partners AGL, SA Power Networks (SAPN) and Solar Analytics. As a five-month scoping study, CANVAS’s main motivation is to develop preliminary socio-technical insights to inform industry stakeholders and policy makers about the current state of D-PV and BESS curtailment due to PQRM requirements. CANVAS consists of two research streams, social science and technical, with both delivering evidence-based results that have important implications for Australia’s fast growing and ever-changing energy landscape, where previous evidence-based results and studies have been limited.

This report was made possible through the APVI Knowledge Sharing Small Project Grant. It received funding from ARENA as part of ARENA’s International Engagement Program for the International Energy Agency PV Power Systems Task 14, Solar PV in the 100% RES Power System.

The full report can be found here and the media release is here.