Key Findings

Our analysis shows that Adelaide CBD could generate more than 25% of its electricity needs from its own rooftops, with the installation of 129 MW of solar on CBD rooftops.

Using the average results from our 4 methods:

  • There is potential to install 129MW of solar photovoltaics on CBD rooftops
  • There is potential for 32 times the existing PV deployment
  • 43% of the total roof area could accommodate 516,000 solar panels
  • This could generate 174GWh annually

    o meeting 26% of the CBD energy demand
    o supplying the equivalent of 34,000 SA households
    o avoiding 77,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions

  • CBD electricity customers could save up to an estimated $54 million per year

Analysis of 3 case study buildings in Adelaide’s CBD suggests potential solar PV capacities of:

  • 350kW on the Centrepoint Building,
  • 840 kW on the Central Market, and
  • 1300 kW on the central building of Adelaide Convention Centre.