The APVI developed a set of techno-economic projection models to inform stakeholders as to likely changes in the cost of electricity generated by PV, compared to prevailing grid electricity prices.  The models allow the impacts of changes to the characteristics of PV technology, deployment, financing and incentive policies to be assessed.

Three models were developed, one for residential systems, one for systems on commercial buildings, and another for systems designed for generation on a large scale.  The residential and commercial systems are compared to the prices of grid electricity under standard electricity supply arrangements, whereas the large-scale model compares the cost of PV-electricity to wholesale electricity market prices.

This project was funded by the Australian Solar Institute. The following reports are available:

Main project report (Nov 2010)
Residential projections (Nov 2011 update)
Commercial projections (Nov 2011 update)
Large-scale projections (Nov 2011 update)