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2018 APSRC Program
Papers were presented at the APSRC 2018 as either a poster or an oral. Some were submitted as full peer reviewed papers and some only as abstracts.
For each Stream, the following firstly lists the abstracts then the full peer reviewed papers , all sorted alphabetically by lead author. Where available, the presentation or poster pdf is also provided. You can look through the program to find papers you are interested in, then download them from the author list below.
They are being added as they become available from the peer-review process.
Note that the Plenary Speaker presentations can be found here .
Stream – Photovoltaic Devices
Author Title Presentation Bedin, C. PID Detection in Crystalline Silicon Modules Using Low-Cost Electroluminescence Images in the Field PDF Bing, J. The impact of dynamic two-step solution process on film formation of Cs0.15(MA0.7FA0.3)0.85PbI3 perovskite and solar cell performance PDF Bhoopathy, R. Photoluminescence imaging of field deployed modules using contactless switching Canil, L. Hydrophobic Self-Assembling Monolayers for Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Chang, N. Techno-economic analysis based on demonstrated silicon perovskite tandem cells Chen, B. Imaging bandgaps of perovskite solar cells with luminescence Chen, D. Record Voltages using Commercial-grade Silicon Wafers: An Assessment of the Impacts of Defect Engineering for p-type Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells Chen, D. New Insights into Hydrogen Induced Degradation: A study on n- and p-type Silicon Conibeer, G. Multiple Quantum Wells as Slowed Hot Carrier Cooling Absorbers in Hot Carrier Cells PDF Cook, A. Detailed Investigation of Pyridine Passivation for Perovskite Solar Cells PDF Cui, H. Semi-Transparent Bifacial SnS Solar Cell Cui, X. Defect and heterojunction engineering in CZTS solar cells by nanoscale atomic layer deposited aluminium oxide Dagar, J. Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells for Light Harvesting under Indoor Illumination via Solution Processed Composite Electron Transport Layers Davies, K. Module Cover Surface Emissivity – Operating Temperature and Efficiency Effects Ekins-Daukes, N. Demonstrating a Metallic Hot Carrier Solar Cell Ernst, M. Implications of Local Contact Size on Contact Resistivity and Recombination PDF Fong, K.C. In-situ Low Pressure Thermal Oxidation for Polysilicon Passivated Contacts PDF Gao, Y. MgCl2 Passivated ZnO Electron Transporting Layer to Improve PbS Quantum Dot Solar Cells Ghasemi, M. Improving film quality of a bismuth perovskite variant by investigating the role of organic cation into the film morphology Hongliang, G. Coupling effects in multijunction solar cells Huang, Z. Transparent MnS Solar Cell Jaseinak, J. Semi-Transparent Perovskite Solar Cells Kampwerth, H. Novel PV device characterisation using biased photothermal deflection spectroscopy Khoo, K. Investigation of Al2O3 capping layers on MoOx and NiOx Passivating contacts via atomic layer deposition Kim, M. Thermally Induced- and Passivated- Meta-stable Defects in Mono-Crystalline Silicon By Rapid Firing Processes Lau, C. Enhanced Performance via Partial Lead Replacement by Calcium for CsPbb Perovskite Solar Cell Lee, C. Evaluating Non-Pyrophoric Aluminium Precursor for Industrial Application on Silicon Solar Cells Li, B. Microstructural Control of Hybrid and Inorganic Lead Perovskites Using Sequential Deposition Li, C. Optical optimization for III-V//Si multijunction solar cells PDF Liang, W. TMAH based highly reproducible c-Si texturing Liu, S. Acceleration and Mitigation of Hydrogen Induced Degradation in p-type Cast-mono Silicon Lunardi, M. Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of End-Of-Life Silicon Solar Modules PDF Mulmudi, H. Probing mechanical reliability of perovskite and two-terminal silicon/perovskite tandem solar cells using cross-sectional nanoindentation. Munir, R. Perovskite Thin Film Formation: An In Situ Investigation of Scalable Processes Nguyen, H. Probing photo-induced carrier recycling from doped-poly silicon with luminescence spectroscopy PDF Park, N. Development of Al2O3 thin film on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) using thermal atomic layer deposition and its application to improve the stability of organic- inorganic solar cells Peng, J. High Open-Circuit Voltage Perovskite Solar Cells: Role of Surface Passivation PDF Pillai, S. Contactless Photoconductivity Measurements for Photovoltaic Materials and Interfaces Poduval, G. Simulating the role of novel transparent conductive oxides for heterojunction solar cells Puthen Veetil, B Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy (PDS) for PV material characterisation Qian, J. The Impact of Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Module Design on Hot-Spot Temperature PDF Sang, B. Thermal Stability of Atomic Layer Deposited Nb2O5 Layer as Electron-selective Contacts on c-Si Solar Cells PDF Shi, L. Durability Testing and Post-fabrication Processing of Organic/inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells Sugiyama, M. III-V semiconductor quantum well and wire structures for boosting the efficiency of solar cells PDF Sun, H. Solution-processed ultra-thin SnO2 passivation of Cu2ZnSnS4/CdS heterointerface and Cu2ZnSnS4 grain boundaries for kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells Sun, K. Efficiency improvement of Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell by optimizing the interface chemistry Tabari-Saadi, Y. Chemical processed AgBiS2 deposition as an absorber layer for high performance solar cell application PDF Teh, Z. Optimization of PbS Quantum Dot Hole Transport Layer Using Hybrid Ligand Treatment Tejaswi, S. Recycling of Photovoltaic Modules in Australia: An Analysis of Viability and Potential Value Varshney, U. Studying Degradation in Multicrystalline Silicon by Modulating the Thickness of Dielectric layer Walter, D. Explaining transient behaviour in perovskite solar cells through the interaction between mobile ions and SRH recombination Wang, J. Facile Recrystallization Process for Efficient Triple-Cation Mixed-Halide Planar- Structure Perovskite Solar Cells Wang, S. Advanced Calibration and Application of Quartz Crystal Microbalance in Atomic Layer Deposition Wu, N. Understanding the Efficiency Limits of Perovskite Solar Cells PDF Wu, Y. A Step by Step Optimisation of c-Si Bottom Cell in Perovskite/c-Si Tandem Devices PDF Xue, C. Aiming for a “Flexible PV+” Future: Development of Kesterite Solar Cells on Flexible Stainless Steel Substrate in UNSW Yun, J. Properties of Ferroic Domains in Metal Halide Perovskites Zafirovska, I. Powerful Characterisation of Photovoltaic Modules using Line Scan Luminescence Imaging PDF Zhang, M. Efficient 1 cm2 mesoscopic perovskite solar cell on ITO substrate PDF Zhang, T. Thermally Stable Hole-Selective Zn-doped NiOx Deposited onto Crystalline Silicon Zhang, X. Experimental results on c-Si PV module delamination using a thermal process PDF Zhang, X. Assessment of different chemical compounds for EVA delamination PDF Zhang, Y. Controllable Growth of MoSe2 in Kesterite Solar Cells Zheng, J. Large area efficient interface layer free monolithic perovskite/homo-junction-silicon tandem solar cell Zuo, C. Self-formed Two-dimensional Perovskite Films for 2D Perovskite Solar Cells PDF
Stream – Solar Deployment and Integration
Peer Reviewed Papers
Andrews, H.
Evaluating Fog Detection Using Himawari-8 Satellite Imagery and Bispectral Image Processing
Azuatalam, D.
Techno-economic Analysis of Residential PV Battery Self Consumption
Banks, E.
Sharing Benefits in Community Embedded Networks with Renewable Energy
Boyle, K.
Utility Scale Storage Performance and Opportunities in the FCAS Regulation Market
Broese van Groenou, A.
Household Decision-Making for Home Batteries
Chapman, A.
Orchestration is necessary to maximise embedded PV-battery and network value
Chester, L.
New Forms of Solar PV Provisioning Needed to Advance Energy Justice for Lower Income Households
Copper, J.
Comparison of Annual Global Horizontal Irradiation Maps for Australia
Gorman, N.
NEMOSIS – NEM Open Source Information Service; open-source access to Australian National Electricity Market Data
Guerrero, J..
Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading: A Case Study Considering Network Constraints
Gunarathna, C.
A Comprehensive Review on the Cost Reduction and Uptake of BIPV through the Integration of PV and Prefabricated Building Industries
Herteleer, B.
Renewable Power and Energy Fractions Revisited: Insights from ARENA’s RAR Portfolio
Roberts, M.
Analysis of Rooftop Solar Potential on Australian Residential Buildings
Rehman, N.
Diffuse Solar Potential of Facades in an Urban Context under Different Sky Conditions
Ma, Y.
Optimal Investment Strategy in Grid-Scale Energy Storage Systems
Munro, P.
Factors Driving Rapid Photovoltaic Uptake in Rural Ugandan Households and Businesses
Murphy, F.
Capacity Remuneration for Revenue Sufficiency in the Australian National Electricity Market with High Renewable Energy Penetrations
Nikolopoulos, A.
Coordinating Generation and Transmission Investment for High Renewable Penetrations in the NEM
Purnell, K.
Electrified Transport Opportunities for Low Carbon Mobility in Australian Cities
Tang, R.
Generating Residential PV Production and Electricity Consumption Scenarios via Generative Adversarial Networks
Young, S.
Impacts of PV System Configuration, Retail Tariffs and Annual Household Consumption on Payback Times for Residential Battery Energy Storage
Zhao, H.
The Impact of Electricity Price Policy on the Economic Performance of Distributed Building Photovoltaic Systems across China
Author Title Presentation Anderson, K. Off-River Pumped Hydro – Site Searching Method and Results Asselineau, C. A. Resistive Thermal Energy Storage: an Electricity Storage Alternative for the Australian Grid PDF Blakers, A. Solar photovoltaics is the only practical path to climate stabilization PDF Cheng, C. 100% Renewable Electricity and Electrified Land Transport in Australia PDF Dargaville, R. PV and CSP price sensitivity in a 100% renewable electricity scenario PDF Depoorter, V. A forecasting system with a range of technologies to optimally forecast solar generation at different time-scales Dore, J. Cover the Roof! The Simple Guide to Rooftop PV Sizing PDF Fletcher, J. Geospatial and Temporal Visualisation of Low-Voltage Energy Network Data Grant, I. Enhancements to the Bureau of Meteorology’s Satellite-Derived Gridded Solar Resource Data Gorman, N. Open-source software for assessing utility-scale renewable performance in the Australian NEM Jiang, Y. Suitability of Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies for Ramp-Rate Control of PV Power Joshi, B. Improving the accuracy of solar irradiance forecasts based on Numerical Weather Prediction using variables from multiple vertical layers as machine learning inputs PDF Lu, B. Modelling of Integration of Electric Vehicles and Heat Pumps in the Australian National Electricity Market PDF Lusis, P. Optimal operation of an isolated microgrid with battery storage using semidefinite programming PDF Macgill, I. Facilitating demand-side participation in the NEM – aggregating up and sending market prices down PDF Marshall, L. Market Design Barriers to Renewable Energy in the National Electricity Market Meng, K. Wind Farm Grid Connection Studies and Field Testing Solutions in UNSW Murphy, F. Revenue Sufficiency for Flexible Resources in the Australian NEM With High Renewable Energy Penetrations Nadolny, A. Water consumption in a renewable National Electricity Market PDF Rahman, M. A Novel Fault Ride-Through Technique for Grid-Connected Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic Inverter Ramamurthy, J. Powering Melbourne Zoo’s Sustainability Message with Printed Solar Stocks, M. Development of a Cost Model for Pumped Hydro Energy Storage PDF Stringer, N. Review of voltage management approaches and network regulation: who pays and how? PDF Weerasinghe, N. Cost Reduction Potentials in BIPV Process – A Literature Review PDF Yang, Y. An Analysis of Solar and Wind Resources for Building a Hybrid PV and Wind Power Plant PDF Zapata, J. Capacity Expansion Model and Optimisation PDF
Stream – Solar Heating and Cooling, Low Carbon Living
Peer Reviewed Papers
Stream – Concentrating Solar Power
Peer Reviewed Papers
Alipourtarzanagh, E.
Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of the Flow inside and Outside a Cavity Receiver
Anderson, T.
Structural Deformation of Sandwich Composite Heliostats
Anderson, T.
The Effect of Wind on the Performance Natural Draft Dry Cooling Towers in an Inline Arrangement
Asselineau, C-A.
Sodium Receivers: State-of-the-Art and Future Developments
Collins, M.
Technologies and Design Considerations for Low Cost Small Heliostats
Duniam, S.
Dry cooling system options for the sCO2 Brayton cycle for concentrated solar power plants
Farrant, D.
Heliostat Tracking Sensors for Concentrating Solar Thermal
Ghanadi, F.
Reduction in convective heat loss from a bladed receiver using an air curtain
Gurgenci, H.
How deployment ready is CST supercritical CO2 power generation technology
Iyer, S.
On Microlayer Growth in Liquid Metal Boiling Flows
Jacob, R.
Ternary Eutectic Chloride Salt BaCl2-KCl-NaCl for High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage
Jafarian, M.
An innovative configuration of two interconnected bubble reactors for pneumatic circulation of a high temperature liquid
Jafarian, M.
Thermodynamic assessment of the hybridisation of a mid-temperature process with concentrated solar thermal energy
Jafarian, M.
Selection of the heat transfer medium for heating various gases in a solar bubble receiver
Kumar, A.
Radiation absorption characteristics of a multistage free-falling particle receiver
Lee, K. L.
The Influence of Temperature Distribution and Wind Speed on the Losses from a Heated Cavity
Li, L.
Application of a Compound Parabloic Concentrator to a Multi-Source High-Flux Solar Simulator
Li, L.
Optical Design of a Heliostat Field for a High-Temperature Receiver-Reactor
Liu, M.
Evaluation of the Thermal Performance and Cost of Cascade PCMs and Hybrid PCM/Graphite Storage Systems for Concentrated Solar Power Plants
Lock, A.
Investigation of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Air-cooled Heat Exchangers for Application in CST Power Cycles
Meybodi, M.
A study on the Economic Viability of Hybrid Solar-Biomass Systems
Naufal, A.
Integration of concentrated solar thermal energy into gibbsite calcination process
Park, J.
Development of Concentrating Solar Thermal System for 250C High Temperature Steam Generation
Pye, J.
Reconfiguring and rethinking tubular receivers: findings from the Bladed Receivers with Active Airflow project
Riahi, S.
Modelling a Hybrid Sensible-Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage System for CSP Plants
Sedighi, M.
A preliminary analysis for development of a high-temperature gas-phase solar receiver
Torres, J.
Convective and radiative heat losses from a bladed receiver
Tsuda, K.
Thermal stability of a porous multilayer absorber for CSP applications
Wang, Y.
Camera-based measurement of reflection and emission from complex receiver shapes
Will, G. & Steinberg, T.
Materials Issues Associated with TES for CSP Applications
Stream – Solar Fuels & Chemistry
Peer Reviewed Papers
Bayon, A.
Annual performance of a hydrogen production plant based on CeO2 thermochemical cycle: effect of plant location
Beck, F.
Solar-to-hydrogen efficiency limits for solar water splitting with tandem solar cells
Chinnici, A.
Direct Integration of Carbon-free Fuels with Concentrated Solar Radiation
de la Calle, A.
Annual Performance of a Solar Reforming Plant Integrated in the Alumina Process
Gao, X.
Stability of Earth Abundant Redox Materials for Efficient Thermochemical Production of Solar Fuels
Hamidi, M.
Solar Thermochemical Energy Storage Based on Iron–Manganese Oxide in a Packed Bed Reactor
Hangi, M.
Numerical Study of Mass Transfer Characteristics in a Structured Packed Bed of Porous Spherical Particles for Use in Solar Thermochemical Reactors
Jiang, Y.
Suitability of Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies for Ramp-Rate Control of PV Power
Ghose, K.K., Page, A.
BaZrO3 Perovskite for Solar Thermal Water Splitting Applications: High Temperature Redox Thermochemistry
Rhabari, A.
System-Level Modelling of Methanol Production through Solar-Driven Supercritical Water Gasification of Algal Biomass
Richardson, D.
Scaling Methods for High Rate TiO2 Nanotube Anodes for Short Time-Scale PV Buffering
Li, S.
Revisiting Efficiency Limits of Solar Thermochemical Fuel Production by Non-stoichiometric Ceria-based Redox Cycling
Sharma, A.
Integrated tandem solar cells for low cost and high efficiency solar water splitting
Shirazi, A.
Dynamic Modelling of a Solar-Driven Fuel System through Gasification-Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Venkataraman, M.
Future prospects of zero carbon iron making in Australia: The economic and technical challenges
Venkataraman, M.
Modelling an On-Sun Receiver/Reactor for Supercritical Water Gasification of Algae
Wang, B.
Thermal Model of a Solar Thermochemical Reactor for Metal Oxide Reduction
Stream – Solar Energy Solutions for Emerging Economies
Peer Reviewed Papers
Presentations – IEA
Author Title Presentation Fong, K.C. Progress of IBC Si solar cells PDF
Presentations – ACAP
Author Title Presentation Fong, K.C. Progress of IBC Si solar cells PDF Lu, J. Molecular engineering for high efficiency and stable perovskite solar cells PDF Mitchell, V. Amphiphilic block copolymers for morphology control in organic solar cells PDF