ISBN and Citation
APSRC, 2024, ‘Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2024’, Publisher: Australian PV Institute, Dec 2024, ISBN: 978-0-6480414-8-1
2024 APSRC Program
Extended abstracts were presented at the 2024 APSRC as either an oral or a poster. The extended abstracts are listed below according to Stream, and are sorted alphabetically by lead author.
For the presentations, you can look through the program to find papers you are interested in, then download them from the author list below. Not all the abstracts and presentations have been made available to us.
The video recordings and pdfs of the Plenary Speaker presentations can be found here.
Stream – Photovoltaic Devices
Author |
Title |
Slides |
Bui, A. |
Imaging efficiency of perovskite solar cells via voltage-dependent photoluminescence |
Cheng, Y. |
Screen-printed aluminum contact for the n-type passivated contact structure |
Dehghanimadvar, M. |
Assessing the Trade-Offs in Economic and Environmental Impacts for Global PV Manufacturing Supply Opportunities |
Fu, J. |
Assessing Soldering Flux-Induced Corrosion on TOPCon Solar Cells |
Gottlieb, H. |
Series resistance power loss analysis from daylight photoluminescence imaging |
Hallam, B. |
Ultra-Lean Silver Screen Printing for Sustainable Terawatt-Scale Photovoltaics |
Hettiarachchi, S. |
Synthesis of Non-Toxic AgInS2 Quantum Dots for Luminescent Solar Concentrators |
Li, Y. |
Perovskite formation utilising chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technology |
Li, Z. |
Measuring hydrogen diffusion in monocrystalline silicon |
Macdonald, D. |
The last defects – industrial silicon wafers approaching the Auger limit |
Murad, A. |
Modelling Perovskite Solar Cell Settling Time Using Ion Monger |
Nakka, L. |
Mitigation of PID in Perovskite Solar Cells using PEAI Passivation |
Nguyen, D. |
Universal Buried Interface Modification with Lead Iodide for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells |
Nguyen, K. |
The role of luminescent coupling in monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells |
Pham, D. |
Enhanced Indoor Perovskite Solar Cell Performance via Additive Engineering |
Sen, C. |
Hidden Fingerprints: How Solar Cell Handling Leads to Damp Heat Failures in HJT and TOPCon Modules |
Sharma, R. |
Automated Multiclass and Severity Classification of Defects in Photovoltaic Module Luminescence Images using Unsupervised Machine Learning |
Shaw, P. |
How the organic solar cell architecture can change the role of an acceptor to a FRET donor |
Wang, Y. |
Oxygen vacancy modulation of TiOx to improve hole-selective contacts for Si solar cells |
Wu, X. |
Investigating Failure Roots in TOPCon Solar Cells via Accelerated Damp-Heat Testing |
Stream – Renewable Electricity Deployment and Integration
Author |
Title |
Slides |
Arshad, S. |
Harnessing Solar Energy for Industrial-Scale Hydrocarbon Synthesis via Kolbe Process |
Cheng, C. |
Identification and evaluation of new transmission routes in Australia |
Corkish, R. |
Progress of UNSW Énergie Renouvelable Vanuatu for Tanna Island communities, 2024 |
Dore, J. |
Engineering Roadmap to 100% Renewables |
Gorman, N. |
An open energy system knowledge infrastructure approach and the openISP project |
Geller, J. |
Towards Greater Nuance in Energy Access: Lessons from Fiji’s Rural Electrification Program |
Hamer, P. |
Developing a Renewable Energy (Solar) Planning Tool for Cambodia |
Haydous, Z. |
Energy Yield vs. System Longevity: An Innovative Algorithm for Single-Axis Solar Trackers in a Curtailment-Prone Landscape |
Hofmann, B. |
Including social resilience in grid modelling can improve the economic feasibility of regional micro-grids |
Huang, H. |
Decarbonising Copper Ore Processing in Australia with Hybrid Microgrids: The Role of Dispatch Strategy and Demand-Side Flexibility |
Huang, Y. |
Optimising renewable energy generation in Australia based on climate change |
Jha, A. |
Equitable Access to Green Agriculture through Solar Irrigation Technologies in Nepal |
Kallmier, E. |
An open-source tool for PPA analysis |
Kim, M. |
Comparative evaluation of industrial PV modules on material usage and environmental impacts with different module and frame types |
Kunz, O. |
Quantifying Module Voltage Degradation via Daylight Photoluminescence Imaging |
Loli, A. and Santagata, E. |
Challenges of developing datasets for open-source energy modelling tools – the Energy Transition Model (ETM) for Vanuatu |
MacGill, I. |
Clean energy transition planning frameworks for the Pacific – A Vanuatu Case study |
McIntoch, K. |
Asymmetry in the energy yield forecasts for PV power plants |
Mcleod, V. |
Developing Energy Policy to integrate Distributed Energy Resources: Using a Systems Thinking Approach |
Oates, H. |
Disaggregating Daily Precipitation Data 1990 to 2022 into Half-Hourly Intervals Using LSTM Models |
Poddar, S. |
Modelling non-localised impacts of bushfires on solar power generation |
Robinson, N. |
Decarbonising Mining in Australia using off-grid Solar, Battery, and Diesel Hybrid Systems |
Sharma, R. |
Optimising Lifecycle Management for Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Systems: An Integrated Electrical, Economic, and Environmental Strategy |
Souza, E. |
Community Energy Storage as a Strategy for Curtailment Reduction in Low Voltage Networks |
Thawley, H. |
Modelling to Generate Alternatives for Understanding High Solar Penetration Grids in Australia |
Wright, B. |
Digital-Twins of Utility PV Systems: PVsyst-based Model Limitations and Implications |
Stream – Solar Buildings and Solar Heating & Cooling
Author |
Title |
Slides |
Clift, D. |
Improved time-series modelling of Air Source Heat Pumps for water heating |
Corkill, P. |
Efficiency at scale – harnessing the power of hot water technology |
Corkill, P. |
Government incentive design to address barriers to the uptake of solar PV on apartment buildings: early insights from Victoria’s Solar for Apartments program |
Ferrari, D. |
Characterising the Uncertainty of a Fixed COP Calculation |
Ferrari, D. |
Heat pump water heater product quality in the VEU program |
Gregory, J. |
RACE for 2030, Review of buildings-based and associated projects |
Heslop, S. |
Carseldine Ecovillage – A case study for data driven residential building thermal models |
Lee, T. |
Energy Efficiency Rating of Dwellings – Effects on ACT Sale Prices and Building Stock |
Lee, T. |
Enhancing Australia’s Weather and Climate Data for Energy System and Weather-proofing Simulations |
McDowell, A. |
Heat Pump Water Heater Simulation with EN14511 |
Prasad, D. |
Decarbonising the Built Environment – shifting focus in Australia |
Pritchard, G. |
Efficiency at scale – harnessing the power of hot water technology |
Pritchard, G. |
Early insights from Victoria’s Solar for Apartments Program |
Saberi H. |
Impact of Coordinated Electric Water Heating on a Distribution Network with High Solar PV Penetration |
Snow, M. |
Snow M IEA SHC Task 63 Solar Neighbourhood Planning – An overview |
Stream – Concentrating Solar Thermal & Process Heat and Chemistry